The Creator

Lately I have felt the archetype of The Creator acting very strongly in my life, so strongly that I feel like I may be possessed by The Shadow Creator. It all started about a year ago when I picked up the card game I’ve talked about in at least one of my previous posts, Yu-Gi-Oh. It’s a great game and I’ve met a lot of nice and cool people and learned some good things from it, but ever since then I’ve felt a need to be original and expressive of my “true self”.

Even before then, about the first year or two of college, I could feel The Creator starting to emerge. I always wanted to be myself and for people to take me as I am. I would look around the campus and see all of the sororities, fraternities, and other college kids that just looked all the same, as if they were clones. I hated it, and I vowed never to become like them and to stay true to who I was and am. This song by Enclave really exemplifies my emotions and how I felt at that time:

Enclave – Clones:

Throughout my life I have always been involved in some sort of creative activity or another, in fact my dad is an artist, so I could say it runs in the blood. From a very young age I was always told I was good at drawing, and even enjoyed it for a short period of time, but grew out of it eventually. I played the violin and cello in grade school, took art classes in junior high and high school, and picked up the guitar. However, I wasn’t really aware of my creations, in fact I feel my creations are somewhat random and mostly without purpose; creating simply to create.

Pearson says “We create as an expression of who we are, and as a way to discover who we are and what we think and know” (174). I feel like I’m trying to be myself, creating as an expression of who I am. All my creations are “me”, but due to a few life circumstances, I feel like a lot of my self expression is blocked.

This song also holds a lot of my feelings and emotions about being original, which is very important to me:

Dream Theater – As I am:

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