Hero’s Journey: Heroic Myth Index

Heroic Myth Index


The Heroic Myth Index, or HMI is a short test that shows you what archetypes are prominent in your life at the moment. The results of this test can, and most likely will change as your life and environment change around you. The twelve archetypes are: Innocent, Orphan, Warrior, Caregiver, Seeker, Lover, Destroyer, Creator, Magician, Ruler, Sage, and Fool. Each of these archetypes have different meanings and associations. Since I haven’t read too much on them myself, these are my own meanings that I have given to each archetype, as well as insight as to how they’re playing their roles in my life.

Innocent – 17

I believe this archetype focuses around what I would like to call “innocence of a child” where the world is wonderful and new. Nothing is really wrong or bad, just different. I think it’s almost like an “ignorance is bliss” type of scenario.

This archetype, I feel, used to take a large role in my life, especially during high school and my early college years. I’m not sure why it has taken a back seat this time around, but it could have something to do with the responsibilities of growing up and more exposure to the world.

Orphan – 13

This archetype I feel focuses around the feeling of being abandoned, left alone, being deserted, and sadness. I think it also has something to do with love and being lonely.

This archetype seems to surge occasionally as I’ve been single for quite some time. Feelings of loneliness and sadness will seem to grow for a while, but die down pretty quickly. It’s almost like a weekly or monthly cycle, but then it passes and I get over it. Right now though, I cannot afford a girlfriend since I’m in a bit of a financial and timely bind. I work and go to school so my schedule is pretty busy, and honestly, I’m not even trying or looking for a girl friend right now. However, if the right girl does come along, I’m not going to pass that up.

Warrior – 21

Oh, the thrill of the fight! Standing up for what you believe in. Respect, honor, and bravery! Overcoming your fears, and fighting in spite of them.

This archetype is one of the more prominent in my life at the moment. Although I’ve felt this way inside for a long time, I have only recently been starting to act it out.

Caregiver – 17

This archetype is pretty simple, in my opinion. Caring for others, meeting their needs, almost like a mother-figure.

I”m not too sure what to say on this archetype. It’s always seemed to be around here and there. A few people, especially my family, tell me that I’m good with kids and animals.

Seeker – 25

Looking for truth and new things, experiences, and ideas. Hunting for what is and what is not.

This archetype is playing a HUGE, and I mean, MASSIVE role in my life right now. I really enjoy trying new things and finding new ways to do things. Experimenting, exploring, learning, and adventure are all very important to me right now. I believe it all started when I picked up the card game “Yu-Gi-Oh” again. I am always searching for new ways to improve my deck, new techniques I can use, and interesting combos. If something doesn’t work, I try something else. If something does work, I accept it, leave it, and find new things that work.

Lover – 20

Love, sex, desire. I think that these are the focus of this archetype.

This archetype is probably the most awkward one for me to discuss as speaking publicly about “Love” and all the activities that come along with it is a bit odd for me to handle. However, I do feel like I’m a bit of a romantic and fantasize about how I would ask someone out or ask them to marry me.

Destroyer – 17

Destruction, desecration, oblivion. Whether it’s evil, or childish fun, blowing things up and breaking things are what I consider to be the focal points of this archetype.

Honestly, I don’t know why I didn’t score higher in this archetype. In every videogame I’ve played, I’ve had the compulsory need to defeat every enemy and destroy nearly everything that I can. It could be that I haven’t played many videogames recently, or that other archetypes, such as Creator are simply dominating it.

Creator – 24

Simply making things, building things, and bringing things to life are what create this archetype. The pride of seeing what you built succeed and be finished. Or, even if what was built was a total failure, at least you found how not to create. I think this archetype goes hand-in-hand with both Destruction and Seeker. Some create to destroy, and by creating you learn new information.

Since this archetype meshes so well with Seeker, I think that is the reason I scored so high in both archetypes. Ever since I was a kid, I loved building things and Legos were one of my favorite toys. I really find joy in creation and I can spend a lot of time on minute details or just mass-create. One time, when my friend got a new Wii I spent the night at his house. I ended up waking up before he did, by about an hour or two. By the time he had gotten up, his Wii was filled with tons of random and unique Miis (the little character, person-like avatars you can make for your Wii).

Magician – 20

Magic, illusion, entertainment, and awe are what I think this archetype amounts to. I don’t really have much insight into this archetype, but I think it may be related to the Fool archetype in some way.

I like to entertain, I really do. I also like hiding things from people, moving things when they aren’t looking or playing “mind games” with people. It’s really hard to give a solid example but the way this archetype influence me, I feel like it should be called “Trickster” instead, if I’m even understanding this right.

Ruler – 21

I think this has to do with being a leader and all the qualities that come with that. There can be good and bad rulers, tyrants, peaceful rulers trustworthy ones, and untrustworthy ones. Settling disputes and making decisions I feel are a big part of this archetype. Bartering and resource management are also important.

With my understanding of this archetype I can se why it’s so strong in my life at the moment. When I go out with friends when we’re deciding on something do to, like what to eat, I usually mediate what we’re doing, trying to get votes from everyone.

Sage – 23

A library of knowledge.

I don’t have a whole lot of insight on this archetype, but I think it also goes along with the Seeker archetype. Seeking knowledge leads to accumulating knowledge, which leads to becoming knowledgeable, or in other words, a “Sage”.

Fool – 22

I picture this archetype to be a mix between a jester and an idiot. They can get annoying at times or be the “lovable idiot”, as I like to call it. Always looking to make people happy.

I really feel that this archetype is big in my life right now simply because I love to laugh and I love to make people laugh. Sometimes I try too hard and I feel like I get on people’s nerves, and sometimes when I make people laugh it’s unintentional because of how I understand things and act.

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